Contract Insights: The Leading Resource for Contract Management & Procurement Professionals

7 Reasons More Companies Switched to CobbleStone in 2019 than Ever Before

Written by Sean Heck | 02/14/20

With organizations electing to make the switch to Contract Insight® year in and year out, CobbleStone Software’s acclaimed source-to-contract suite speaks for itself.  This past year was particularly special, given the fact that more companies chose to implement the award-winning platform in 2019 than in any previous year.  But what puts Contract Insight leagues above the rest?  Read on to learn about some of the features that make CobbleStone the leader in contract management, procurement, and eSourcing software for a variety of industries!

#1 AI-Based Contract Creation

Contract record initiation and creation are vitally important aspects of contract management.  Organizations of a variety of industries and sizes benefit significantly from a contract creation process that sets the stage for a streamlined contract lifecycle.  AI-integration makes this easy.

Contract Insight’s VISDOM® AI allows users to leverage simple drag and drop record importation for file types such as MS Word and PDF documents.  VISDOM’s data pre-processing engine extracts and fills key pieces of information in an easy-to-digest set of tables.  Clauses can be detected and displayed using natural language processing (NLP), and users can easily compare them to clauses in their library. 

Learn more about the drag and drop feature.

#2 Self-Serve Vendor Registration

Purchasing, procurement, and vendor management professionals need to manage their suppliers effectively.  CobbleStone provides an easy way for vendors and buying organizations to collaborate.

Manually keying in vendor profiles is a thing of the past with Contract Insight.  Self-serve vendor registration allows vendors, partners, clients, counterparties, outside counsel, and others to create company profiles easily.  System users can configure required data fields for vendor information entry.  Furthermore, workflow approval processes and alerts can be enabled.

Get started with simplified vendor registration and supplier onboarding governance today!

#3 Contract Automated Workflows

Organizations managing contracts need to engage the right people at the right time, meet due dates, and eliminate bottlenecks.  CobbleStone is the ideal solution to support the establishment of a uniform, efficient contract lifecycle management process.

Contract Insight offers rules-based workflows that reduce contract lifecycle delays and bottlenecks.  Features such as contract notifications, automated alerts, and task reminders help contract management teams to stay in the loop.  Intelligent workflow automation with Contract Insight provides contract managers with the opportunity to leverage reporting and analytics tools, user-defined fields, and much more.  Such tools help contract management teams to attain control over their contract lifecycle.

With document collaboration, streamlined negotiation, and easy approvals, organizations can meet key dates and milestones.  Audit trail history equips organizations with an up-to-date log of contract changes and version history.  The awareness of task assignments, key date alerts, and opportunities for renewal help organizations to properly oversee the entire contract lifecycle.

Begin leveraging automated contract workflows today.

#4 User Support and Implementation

No matter which industry your organization specializes in, a maximized return on investment in contract management software stems from the availability of support resources for questions that may arise.  CobbleStone offers proven resources.

CobbleStone provides clients with a variety of support and maintenance resources that help users take advantage of what Contract Insight has to offer.  Highly trained professionals are in your corner to help answer your questions and meet your needs.

CobbleStone also offers implementation services for those beginning to configure their Contract Insight systems.  Clients can leverage the assistance of trained Contract Insight specialists to help configure their flexible system with user-defined fields, automated alerts, and contract workflows.   

Leverage CobbleStone’s long-celebrated support resources today!

#5 Orientation and Training Videos

A key role in contract management success is an organization’s ability to leverage its source-to-contract solution correctly. CobbleStone provides detailed video content to assist users in getting the most from their system.

Contract Insight training and orientation videos provide users with a visually engaging and easy-to-understand learning experience.  Both the Contract Insight User Manual/Wiki and CobbleStone’s official YouTube channel provide videos to supplement the optimal understanding of:

  • general system navigation.
  • configuration.
  • document management.
  • field management.
  • licensing and permission.
  • searching and reporting.
  • and much more!

Leverage the guidance of Contract Insight experts with software demonstration videos today!

#6 Group Training and CobbleStone's User Conference

Many organizations prefer to learn and grow together as a group.  Organizations using CobbleStone’s Contract Insight are encouraged to utilize a variety of available group training resources – such as online group training, onsite group training, and the CobbleStone user conference!

With free Contract Insight online group training, organizations can get the most out of their software experience.  CobbleStone offers courses on a variety of system-specific topics for beginners, advanced users, and everyone in between.  With online group training, users learn to better leverage their system’s features and functionality, increase productivity and efficiency, and employ contract lifecycle management best practices.  CobbleStone users are encouraged to register for online training today!

In addition online training, CobbleStone also provides in-person group training.  With the "Road to Contract Management & Procurement Success" training tour, Contract Insight users are afforded an interactive learning experience led by software experts.  Industry professionals can learn about CobbleStone’s contract management, procurement, and vendor management software in a city near them.  Additionally, a free lunch and a certificate of completion are given to attendees.  Save your seat for in-person group training today!

Furthermore, CobbleStone is hosting its user conference this coming October 7-9 in Austin, TX.  From industry best practices to AI-based contract management and more, this year’s conference has a lot to offer! The conference includes:

  • live software demonstrations.
  • lunch and networking sessions.
  • breakout sessions.
  • keynote speakers.
  • and much more!

 Subscribe to our blog for updates so you can stay tuned for an official announcement coming soon!

#7 The CobbleStone Difference

With 20 years of experience in contract management, procurement, and sourcing best practices, CobbleStone has established itself as the tried and true solution for organizations of various sizes and sectors.  CobbleStone is confident that its scalable source-to-contract platform, combined with the resources mentioned here (and more) will help meet and surpass the demands of their loyal, growing client base.

If you are still deciding on your organization’s ideal contract management solution, CobbleStone offers comprehensive and targeted demos and trials with software experts to help you choose the right software for your organization’s path toward contract management success.

CobbleStone's Contract Management Software, Contract Insight, is relied upon by thousands of contract management, legal, risk, and sales professionals worldwide.  Request a demo of our award-winning contract management, eSourcing, & procurement platform today!