What Is Contract Management? Here’s What You Need To Know.

    By Sean Heck on 05/29/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    Contracts are legally binding agreements that define and govern the exchange of goods or services. A contract’s journey – from creation to fulfillment and completion – is complex and leaves room for errors and oversights. As such, a process has been generally agreed upon for the handling of contracts. This process is referred to as contract management.

    But what is contract management, and how can it be approached? Here’s what you need to know.

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    5 Essential Contract Management Tools for 2024

    By Sean Heck on 04/29/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 8 min read

    With new advancements and options for effective contract management continually evolving, we’ve detailed five essential contract management tools contract managers must empower themselves with to navigate the ever-changing landscape of contract management best practices going forward.

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    6 Critical Contract Management Tools for 2021

    By Sean Heck on 06/14/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 5 min read

    2021 has arrived, and with it comes new innovations to your contract management software processes.  Keeping this in mind, we have outlined six critical contract management tools that your organization should equip itself with to stay ahead of future-minded contract management best practices in 2021 and beyond.

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    4 Critical Strategies for Contract Value Generation

    By Maria Votlucka on 11/20/19

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Creating value in an ever-expanding industry-agnostic competitive landscape requires that organizations improve performance, reduce spending, and make data-driven decisions.   With the preponderance of spending locked into contracts, leading organizations must find a way to harness their complexity to create value and the following four strategies can help.

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