The 3 Contract Management KPIs for Success

    By Maria Votlucka on 07/22/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Contract managers are under increased pressure to deliver value with reduced contract risks, decreased contract costs, and improved contract performance.  When you regularly measure progress and the success of contracts against contract management key performance indicators (KPIs), you can proactively readjust your contract strategy to ensure goal alignment drives critical and positive organizational impact.  Read on to learn how contract management software can help maximize three important contract management KPIs for success.

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    What Determines the Cost of Contract Management Software?

    By Sean Heck on 07/16/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 6 min read

    Contract management software has proven to be an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. This AI-backed software can save organizations time, reduce errors, increase revenue, and improve compliance by streamlining the contract management process. However, one of the most common questions businesses have is about the cost of contract management software. Understanding the factors influencing the price and the potential return on investment (ROI) can help organizations make informed decisions. So how much does contract management software cost, and why?

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    Contract Generation: Mastering Contract Management Series

    By Sean Heck on 03/22/24

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Generation of legally binding contracts from verbal agreements can be challenging for contract, procurement, and legal professionals.  Manual contract generation or contract creation can be tedious and error-prone.  Moreover, a manual approach to document assembly can put organizations in the precarious position of facing:

    • significant process bottlenecks.
    • compliance issues.
    • increased risk.
    • excessive fines.

    It’s time to save time and take control of contract creation.  Learn how to transform your manual generation process into a value-centric strategy. Make this transformation with the help of leading contract management software.

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    11 Effects of Strong Contract Management Software ROI

    By Sean Heck on 10/3/23

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 4 min read

    Contract lifecycle management (CLM) software can seem like a significant investment. However, there is a high price to pay for low cost, poor contract management that will ultimately cost your organization much more in the long run. What’s more, you can plainly see the ROI contract management software provides if you know what to look for. As such, let’s take a look at 11 ways your organization can enjoy a strong contract lifecycle management ROI.

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