CobbleStone Software is proud to share that we have helped transform contract lifecycle management and procurement in 2022 in various ways. Additionally, we have experienced record-breaking growth this past year. From broadening our client base and partner network to providing leading contract management software innovations and more, here are some noteworthy CobbleStone® successes from 2022.
A Look at CobbleStone’s Contract and eProcurement Success in 2022
By Sean Heck on 12/27/22
Top 8 Contract Management Services for a Stronger Contract Lifecycle
By Sean Heck on 07/7/22
A study examining the reasons for contract management process failure found that key indicators of contract mismanagement include (among others) poor contract lifecycle planning and scheduling, late or improper contract submission and approvals, weak leadership, and lack of counterparty collaboration and communication (Mohamed, Norazida, et al., 2019). Luckily, with leading contract management software and the proper contract management services, your organization can streamline contract management, decrease risk, increase revenue, and much more. To that end, let's examine our top eight contract management services for more robust contract lifecycle management.
Here’s How CobbleStone Software Helped Transform CLM in 2021
By Sean Heck on 01/5/22
CobbleStone Software is proud to share that we have helped transform contract lifecycle management processes in 2021 in numerous ways – and we have experienced record-breaking growth this past year. From expanding our client base and partner network to bringing leading contract management software innovations and more, here are some noteworthy CobbleStone® achievements from 2021.
5 Benefits of an Automated Contract Life Cycle Process
By Sean Heck on 10/20/21
The contract lifecycle is a great way to categorize the steps of contract administration, from requests to renewals. But how can you embrace legal operations digital transformation to automate the contract life cycle process? Read this blog to find out.