Online Document Editing Is a Breeze With CobbleStone Software

    By Sean Heck on 07/29/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Simply put, document editing and document collaboration can be a nightmare - especially as they apply to contract management.  Manual and outdated document editing methods often require lots of moving parts - including various emailed communications about numerous document edits, frantic scrambling for relevant clauses, and convoluted procedures for document version tracking.  These processes can easily lead to lost document edits, erroneous clause language, and scattered and misplaced versions.  As a result, your organization could unfortunately experience missed contract tasks, delayed contract authoring and contract negotiations, and deleteriously incorrect contract clause language - which could jeopardize your organization's legal standing, reputation, and financial standing.  Leave these damaging and antiquated document editing methods in the past in favor of user-friendly online document editing with CobbleStone Software.

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    Concurrent Contract Negotiation With Contract Insight® & Google Docs

    By Joshua Hansen on 04/15/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Contract negotiations can be an arduous process, especially when relying on disparate emails and paper-based processes.  If you are pressed for time or simply want to maximize your workday, leveraging a cloud-based concurrent document editing solution can exponentially streamline your pre-award contract lifecycle management process.  Read on to learn how you can leverage Contract Insight’s seamless integration with Google Drive for cloud-enabled concurrent document management and swift contract collaboration with optimal oversight.


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    Online Contract Negotiations With MS Office 365 & Contract Insight®

    By Sean Heck on 04/14/21

    reading-minutes-icon-one-color 3 min read

    Contract negotiations - if handled incorrectly - can be inefficient.  This holds especially true when organizations rely on paper-based processes and disparate emails.  If your organization needs a more rapid, robust, user-friendly, and streamlined process, consider leveraging a web-enabled concurrent document editing solution.  Cloud-based contract negotiations can exponentially expedite your pre-execution contract lifecycle management procedures.  Read on to learn how you can leverage CobbleStone Software's seamless integration of its contract management software suite - Contract Insight® - with Microsoft Office 365 for online concurrent document editing and rapid contract collaboration with enhanced oversight.*

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