6 Contract Analytics Software Tools for Strong CLM Oversight

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    CobbleStone Software showcases 6 contract analytics software tools for Strong CLM oversight.

    Tracking contract management data with manual and disparate processes throughout the contract lifecycle can prove challenging.  Without readily accessible contract analytics software tools for contract financials, workflows, budgets, KPIs, vendors, compliance, and other essential contract metadata, you can waste time and energy.  Fortunately, leading contract management software can provide you with contract analytics software tools for robust source-to-contract lifecycle management oversight.

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    Contract Analytics Software

    Contract analytics software showcases contract data – including KPIs, contract workflow tasks, departments, budgets, financials, vendors, bids, compliance, obligations, renewal dates, and more - within a centralized location for easily-accessible contact management reporting. Robust contract analytics software usually involves the support of contract analytics software tools - such as detailed contract data searching, executive graphical dashboards, and financial tracking.

    Tool #1 - Contract Data Search

    Finding necessary contract data without a robust search tool can waste time and delay contract management processes.  Fortunately, leading CLM software offers a user-friendly searching tool that can populate quick results of records for review – including contracts, vendors, and solicitations.  A robust CLM search tool can also offer search suggestions based on initially typed searches and full-text search ancillary OCR'd record files.  Moreover, leading contract management software provides field-level search - such as "Contract Title" – that can be sortable, filterable, and exportable.  Field-level searches can also be saved for future on-demand searching and reporting.

    Still, considering leading contract management software with report functionality?  No problem; in the meantime, you can leverage our free contract management tracker below.


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    Tool #2 - Bid-Tabulation & Vendor Rating Analytics

    Robust contract analytics software allows you to rate and score prospective vendors for enhanced at-a-glance visual comparisons.  You can report on vendor ratings to make data-driven decisions.  Highly configurable bid tabulation reports allow you to evaluate solicitation data – including solicitation IDs, and release dates – and the ability to report on the following solicitation details.

    • Participating Vendors
    • Vendor Questions
    • Your Responses
    • Vendor Response Scorecard Ratings
    • Vendor Pricing

    Tool #3 - Ad-Hoc Contract Analytics Reports

    Leading contract management software offers you configuration tools to create highly-configurable ad-hoc contract analytics reports – rooted in ad-hoc query building with editing and previewing functionality, "and/or" logic filtering, naming, sorting, charting, and exporting via spreadsheets.  You can also receive recurring emailed ad-hoc reports, such as daily or monthly, and display current data within your configured dashboard.


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    Tool #4 - Graphical Dashboard Contract Management

    Robust contract analytics software offers highly configurable graphical dashboard contract management to analyze statistical data quickly and effectively.  With the help of such a visually engaging medium, you can assess contract metadata comparisons at a glance.  Moreover, integrated statistical analysis and multiple grouping options can prove especially useful for consistently tracking contract management KPIs.

    CobbleStone Software showcases its CobbleStone Contract Insight executive graphical dashboards.


    Tool #5 - Configurable Contract Analytics Reporting Designer

    Considering that everyone digests data differently, it's crucial to retain creative agency when designing contract management reports.  Highly configurable contract management software can provide you with an online report designer to create visually-engaging contract management reports to your liking.  Drag and drop report designer features matched with a smorgasbord of design options – including dynamic graphics, clear conditions, and robust cross-tables – can provide you with the necessary reporting tools to communicate data effectively to stakeholders.  Upon completion, leading CLM software allows you to export contract management reports to numerous formats – including MS Excel, MS Word, MS PowerPoint, PDF, and Rich Text.


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    Tool #6 - Contract Financial Data Analytics

    Tracking contract financials within leading CLM software allows you to track many budgetary variables within a centralized contract financial data report for enhanced oversight, where you can easily track the following quantities.

    • Contract Transactions
    • Contract Expenses
    • Total Contract Budget
    • Remaining Contract Budget
    • Percentage of Used Contract Budget
    • Percentage of Remaining Contract Budget

    CobbleStone Software offers contract financial data analytics reports.

    Robust Contract Analytics Software With CobbleStone Contract Insight®

    Robust contract analytics software with detailed contract management data reporting begins and ends with CobbleStone Contract Insight.  Don't waste any more time losing contract value and confronting contract analytics bottlenecks.  See industry-leading contract analytics software tools in action by booking your free demo with a CobbleStone Contract Insight expert.

    CobbleStone Software offers a complimentary demo.

    CobbleStone's trusted, award-winning, highly-integrated contract management software streamlines the contract management process with optimal governance, reduced friction, and high flexibility from contract requests to renewals.  CobbleStone has been a leader in CLM software for over twenty years and is trusted by thousands of contract managers.  CobbleStone's user-friendly, robust, and scalable solution seamlessly connects with external applications, including MS Word and MS Outlook, and offers VISDOM® AI with machine learning for natural language processing and risk management.  Moreover. CobbleStone's IntelliSign® eSignatures can make one-off and bulk electronic signing a breeze.  It's no wonder why Forrester names CobbleStone a Leader in CLM software!

    To stay up to date on best practices, industry news, and CobbleStone Software updates, be sure to subscribe to our blog and YouTube Channel.

    *Legal Disclaimer: This article is not legal advice.  The content of this article is for general informational and educational purposes only.  The information on this website may not present the most up-to-date legal information.  Readers should contact their attorney for legal advice regarding any particular legal matter.

    Published: 04/26/22
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